Sunday, March 05, 2006

Exodus Vancouverous

Well the time has come (and gone) and I have vacated the Vancouver area and made the move back home. Yay for me. The trip back was an eventful one. On his way to pick me up my dad (with our truck and trailer for the purpose of moving me home) T boned a jack knifing semi while he himself was in an icy skid. Well this as you could imagine totaled the truck. There is essentially no front end left. Both his passenger and my dad walked away but were left without transportation for the rest of the trip. Long story short... stayed the night in Kelowna, rented a 26' U-Haul (14' to long for my purposes but the only truck available in Kelowna and Vancouver) and missed my graduation from makeup school. The trip home was split into two. The first half was from Van to Salmon Arms with me taking pics all the way.

The second half of our venture was then of course from Salmon Arms all the way to Shitsville...err Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan. Wooo Whoo. Well this part of the trip was plagued with shitty roads and even shittier drivers.

Something about the snow must make people's IQ's plummet cause even with a snow covered icy mountain road some retards were still doing 110 plus. I shit you not. Not to mention passing with the on coming traffics passing lanes. Its a wonder im no dead at the bottom of some mountain.

But anyway, what ever motives prompted me to move here are long since gone and im left with an empty useless feeling. Im sad and alone and feeling miserable. Any love i once held for this place, the people here is gone or goes on unreturned. Memories of the past haunt me still. I see nothing but grief and pain. Even in the brightest of things I still see its shadow first. The man with the white coat gave me magic crystals to help but its only a way to hide. Im shattered inside and feel like there is nothing left for me to do. So i sit here by myself, sad and lonely, wondering if there will ever be any one whom i can shower with love again.


525 said...

welcome home to the land of flatness, sir brent!

Natty said...

well there is Texie...he needs lovin...