Sunday, March 12, 2006


My head keeps screaming names at me. I don't much like it. Not only does it hate me but it strives to kill me little by little. It's slowly winning. The magic pills don't seem to work.They only remind me of what went wrong. Each one choked down with a bitterness so vile.
There are images, memories in my head, of things gone wrong..of words long said. Each of them armed with small knives that slice into me slowly, cutting deeper and deeper. I bled out long ago. But the pain is still there. It serves to remind me of what I do not know. There isn't much more that I can take without losing what little grip on reality I have left. I hold on with but one hand...the other slowly wipes away the tears....


Natty said...

We need to start a;ve got some wicked ass wordage going on learn to play something brother!

Anonymous said...

where are you? would it be a stupid question if i asked how things were ?

add me to msn,

faye ox