Sunday, January 29, 2006

With Stone Eyes

The Gargoyles keep watch over their dreadful city high above the torments below. Their gaze ever watchful. Piercing into man's soul, seeing all his petty full needs for lust and desire. They see his hate and corruption. They see how he longs more for the death of his neighbors before his own salvation. How he is willing to sacrifice all that he knows only to be seen as more powerful then those he once loved. Those he once called dear. They know first hand the destruction he can do. They have seen it through stone eyes. They have tasted blood, for at their claws hang limb and lifeless the tattered bodies of poor unfortunate souls. Their bones picked clean by ravenous beasts, but not all from the animal kingdom. The gargoyles know the way of man. They see his eradication ahead. They watch and wait and hope for a new day. One that will shed this darkened path.


Anonymous said...

So that can of creamed corn you asked for. Um..should I bring it to class, or or just... well, I'll let you decide.

Natty said...

yes i agree with could write all the speeches at my wedding! (or maybe to dark for grandparents huh? haha)