Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Guess Old Ways Never Die

Well the prick that none of you knew (save a few) is begining to return. Now that Ive lost everything that ment the world to me Ive begun to revert to my old ways. Its a wonderful thing when you are the only one to blame for a lost friendship. I hate what ive made of my life.


Natty said...

Oh chin up brother, we just have to break the cycle that is ours. It CAN be done! You have to be positive & search out those that care for you truly...hold them close.

Things are going to be ok. I know I seem a little out of sorts lately, but it's a hopeful kinda lost. I need to rebuild myself in a way I've never been capable of. You need to too. We'll talk soon. Remember I love you.

J.Wrubleski said...

Dude, I'm sorry I haven't called you lately. I've been swamped with schoolwork. But excuses aside, we MUST make time for Beer. That is what life is all about.
Beer time.

Laura said...

Brent, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch with you. As Jono said. We are here, even if we're really busy (like you are). We should stop saying "we'll get together soon" and actually DO IT! How sounds that?

Brent said...

Well If you really feel like something im going to the Stars concert on tuesday and have noone to go with as of yet. You guys are of course welcome to come.