Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Tale of Beard-O

Well do I have a story for you. While on my merry way home one fine evening I was accosted by the most unusual person. So interesting was that I had conversation with him. Well after exchanging pleasantries for a short while I was shocked to learn his mystical beard had sprouted a mere day earlier. To which I replied "Holy Beard-O Batman...". I mean sweet Jesus man ,I'm 21 years old and I cant even grow half that beard. He later agreed to have me take his picture.


Natty said...

You should've come home for Xmas like that...Poppa would've been proud!

525 said...

i love that pic like a fat kid loves chocolate ecclair mashed into his eyebrows on a crisp thursday eve.

Brent said...

Well not freak you guys out or anything but that beard is on a girls face. Its my friend Julia.

Natty said...

Holy crap!! That's a wikked job...I thought it was you!! hehe