Monday, January 16, 2006

Best Way to Get Out of A Rut...Zippers

Well I must say the best way to get out of a rut is to glue a zipper to someone's face. Last weeks doom and gloom motif faded away within mere moments upon this wonderful creation. There is no feeling like making someone look as wonderful as this. It tickles the soul and warms the heart. As Creepy as it may sound, I just love to get my hands on as many bloodly things as possible.


El Duque said...

That's pretty sweet. Everyone needs a zipper on their face. When do I get one?

525 said...

that is fuckin bad ass!

Brent said...

Have your people call my people and we can set something up.

J.Wrubleski said...

Thats pretty rad all right...

By the way, we should go out for a beer some night whilest you are still here...

Brent said...

Definetly.... Beer must be had. Give me a call sometime or email me when you have an idea when you have some time off. We still need to go for that Greek food as well.