Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Airlines Are Run by the Devil and He's Out to Get Me

So here I am at home, (roughly 11:45 PM) I've just finished packing and am all excited to go home tomorrow, when I get a phone call from Westjet saying my flight (which I purposing booked early so I'd be able to relax and do something I Regina) has been delayed from a departure of 7:00 AM to 2:35 PM. Well lets just say im not exactly trilled with this. Now all my plans that I've carefully layed out in the last couple weeks now have been shattered into tiny pieces and crushed underfoot. Im now scheduled to arrive in Regina at 7:42 PM instead of my original time of noonish. This is just irritating beyond belief. And you'd think maybe they'd offer some kind of compensation for this but no. Why bother trying to make people satisfied with nice customer service.This is crap. Lets just say this is like getting kicked in the pills. It hurts but there isn't a thing you can do except to jump up and down and scream like a little child. So that's what Im doing.That and hoping the rest of the trip goes better then the start of it.

1 comment:

525 said...

for some reason i'm craving a hamsteak after reading that post.